April 28 each year falls on the celebration of World Day for Safety and Health at Work. Established by the International Labour Organization (ILO) in June 2003, following the International Labour Conference, it stems from the need to highlight the importance of safe work, healthy, safe and decent work for every individual.
Unfortunately, the data are not encouraging and continue to underscore how necessary it is to maintain a high level of attention to the issue. In fact, occupational injury reports submitted to Inail show that there was a 25.7 percent increase in 2021 (up 25.9 percent from 554,340 in January-December 2020 and up 8.7 percent from 641,638 in January-December 2019).
Although an encouraging figure concerns the number of fatal occupational injury reports submitted to the Institute last December (131 fewer than the 1,221 reported in 2021 or -10.7 percent), it will be necessary to wait for the Institute’s Annual Report at the end of April 2023 when the annual data will be released to have more clarity and a broader view on the trend of the phenomenon.
The current legislation represented by Legislative Decree. n. 81 of 2008 provides three distinct implementable actions that are identified as:
1 – Assessment of the risks to which workers are exposed
2 – Most appropriate safety measures to eliminate or contain the identified risks
3 – Suitable worker information and training
It is through these steps that every company takes every possible action to ensure the well-being and safety of its workers and employees.

SiQ Srl., a company specializing in safety and quality services, can accompany you all the way to manage safety in the company and specifically we can take care of:
- Appointing the Prevention and Protection Service Manager (RSPP)
- Appointing the Prevention and Protection Service Officer (ASPP)
- Delegation of the Employer’s responsibilities as Manager of the company.
- Assistance and advice to the Prevention and Protection Service and the Employer
- Check-up and assessment of compliance, reporting non-compliance present and actions that need to be taken for them to be eliminated and resolved (Check-Up)
- Preparation of the general risk assessment document (DVR) with job description, organization chart, floor plans and company photo report
- Assessment of specific risks (Vibration, Noise, Electromagnetic fields, Artificial optical radiation, Ionizing radiation, Confined spaces, Work-related stress, Microclimate, Radon, Electrical, Lightning, Chemical, Biological, Asbestos, Ergonomics, Manual handling of loads, Repetitive movements, Fire, ATEX, Seismic risk, Machinery risk analysis, Mechanical risks, etc.).
- Health surveillance assistance
- Appointing the Competent physician
- Appointing the Coordinating physician (for complex organizations)
- Certified expertise specific to ISI-INAIL Appeals.
- Privacy Management
- Emergency and Evacuation Plans (EEPs) with elaboration of “You Are Here” floor plans.
- Fire projects, assistance in obtaining the Fire Prevention Certificate (CPI)
- Assisting the Employer in the development of Safety Plans (SOPs and PiMUS)
- Assistance to the Employer in control activities – Inspections at Workplaces (SLL)
- Assistance to firms in the preparation of the Unified Risk Assessment Documents (DUVRI) and the fulfillment of the obligations of cooperation and coordination in the management of contract services
- Reports and coordination reports to manage external procurement at the contracting firm
- Event management (pre-event, set-up, event, dismantling), including organization of the team in charge of fire and first aid emergency management